My Reflections for Passion Week

Passion Week consists of the days leading up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Many times we focus on Easter Sunday without reflecting on the events that led to this horrific, but wonderful event.  We celebrate Palm Sunday and then fast forward to the Crucifixion and Resurrection.  This year I’ve been thinking about how this week can play out in our lives.

The Passion Week has taught me 5 things:

1.      Seasonal People:  I often read that some people are only in your life for a season.  This concept is sometimes hard to accept because if we love and care for someone we anticipate them being present in our lives forever.  Sometimes people move on due to life circumstances and others may simply change.  The truth is…some people will love you today and hurt you tomorrow.  It is apart of life.  If Jesus who is perfect in every way had people praise him one day and yell crucify him the next week…surely we, who are imperfect, will have similar experiences.  Did this stop Jesus from fulfilling his destiny?  No.  Should it stop us?  No, so let’s keep it moving!

2.      Deep pain:  I also learned that sometimes, it is those who are closest to you, can hurt you the most.  Jesus had walked with his disciples for 3 years.  They ate together, prayed together, laughed together, and served together.  Yet, most of them walked away from Jesus at the most difficult time in his human life.  I know Jesus had to feel hurt and pain.  These individuals were not strangers, they were friends…they were brothers.  If Jesus was hurt and betrayed by his close friends, certainly this may happen to us.  What we may be experiencing is not unique experience, but even Jesus suffered.  We should rejoice that we have a Savior who can sympathize with us.  We have a Savior who can comfort us in a perfect way because he knows what it feels like.  He will also heal us from all pain and sorrow.

3.      Press Forward: Jesus was hurt and betrayed, yet He still went to the Cross.  Jesus could have said, “I’m not dying for these people…they betrayed me…they hurt me!”  But, he didn’t say it.  He was determined…He came to earth for a purpose and he wasn’t going to allow anything to stop him!  This challenged and convicted me!!  God wants us to say, “Even though I am hurt and feel betrayed, I will press toward the purpose set out for my life!”

4.      Forgiveness:  Ouch!  Who likes to forgive?  It is certainly not something we were born with.  It has to be a God thing!  I once read that, “Forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.”  When I first read this, I was blown away.  It definitely made me realize that unforgiveness was hurting me more than anything!  Jesus forgave the people that hurt him. He even forgave them while He was hanging on the cross.  If we are followers of Jesus, we must forgive no matter what!  Set yourself free and forgive!!

5.      Victory:  Jesus was beaten beyond recognition.  He hung on a cross and died.  Yet, on the third day…He rose with all power!  He defeated death!  He defeated Satan!  It was a dark moment on Friday, but victory on Sunday!  We will also have dark moments in our lives, but victory lies ahead.  So, let us remember that those darkest moments, can be a set up for an amazing victory!  Just remember…it may be Friday, but Sunday is coming!!!


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