How I Got It Wrong, Maybe: Jesus on the Cross

A few years ago,  I listened to a friend as she voiced the frustration of trying to find a private school for her son.  The only school that she could find was a Catholic school.  She was unsure of exposing him to Catholicism, but she thought he would receive a great education.  However, when her son went to visit, he didn't approve of the school.  What bothered him?  He hated seeing all the crosses.  More importantly, he hated seeing Jesus still on the cross.  He told his mother, "He is NOT still on the cross!  They need to take Jesus OFF the cross."  I thought, "Wow, what passion coming from a teenager!"  I said, "Yes, he's not on the cross.  He was buried and God raised from the dead!  He is seated at the right hand of God!"

Well, this past weekend, I found another way of looking at it.  I spent the weekend at a Catholic spiritual retreat center.  The crosses with Jesus, were everywhere!!  However, this time when I saw them, I looked at them differently!  I saw a Jesus who was crucified for my sins.  I saw a Jesus who became sin, so that I could be the righteousness of God.  Jesus who chose to be separated from the father, so that I could have a relationship with him.  He was beat, spit on, and mocked, for me! 

When I see those crosses now, I don't see what I'm accustomed to seeing.  I see a God that loved me so much, that he died on the cross for my sins.  He loved me so much, he chose to hang there; even though he was the Son of God.  He could have let himself down.  He could have changed his mind; but, he didn't.  He chose to suffer for me.  So, this Holy Week, I am thankful for the image and reminder of the love that was displayed when Jesus hung on the cross!  Oh, what love!


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