September Missions Update 2014

When I arrived on September 3 rd on the mission field in Ghana, West Africa, I hit the ground running. I arrived in the middle of the church celebrating its 18 th year in ministry. The ministry celebrated by hosting a camp-meeting. This camp-meeting included all branch churches, visitors, friends, and missionaries. It was a wonderful celebration. The days were filled with praise, worship, teachings, prayer, presentations, and tribal dances. One of my favorite parts of the services is when members of the church danced to African drummers; each tribe had a special tribal dance. It was simply amazing; the young and old danced with joy. The professional dancers pulled me and another young lady out to dance, let’s just say I have a lot to learn about African dance. It was so much fun! On top of the dancing, we were challenged everyday by great speakers. We prayed intensely and worshiped with reckless abandonment. Throughout the week, the church (along wi...