September Missions Update 2014

When I arrived on September 3rd on the mission field in Ghana, West Africa, I hit the ground running. I arrived in the middle of the church celebrating its 18th year in ministry. The ministry celebrated by hosting a camp-meeting. This camp-meeting included all branch churches, visitors, friends, and missionaries. It was a wonderful celebration. The days were filled with praise, worship, teachings, prayer, presentations, and tribal dances.

One of my favorite parts of the services is when members of the church danced to African drummers; each tribe had a special tribal dance. It was simply amazing; the young and old danced with joy. The professional dancers pulled me and another young lady out to dance, let’s just say I have a lot to learn about African dance. It was so much fun! On top of the dancing, we were challenged everyday by great speakers. We prayed intensely and worshiped with reckless abandonment. 

Throughout the week, the church (along with many supporters here and the US) donated motorcycles and bicycles for ministry. The congregations were so excited to receive transportation to carry the gospel. I even heard one crazy story about a pastor and his wife sleeping on the floor and putting the bike on the bed. They valued the bike so much, they wanted to keep it in perfect condition. They wanted to keep it in perfect condition so nothing would hinder the work of the gospel. Crazy, huh? The branch churches also received generators, sound systems, and megaphones to preach the gospel.

On Sunday, I traveled with a couple missionaries to the Central Region of Ghana to preach at a small village church. It was a small congregation, but powerful. We were tired after service, so thankfully we were able to rest a while at a hotel beside the beach. We were able to drink fresh coconut water and eat fresh coconut. What a life the Lord has given me…

On Sunday and Monday night, we had a crusade. Many people from all over the village came to hear teaching and preaching. The night was full of praise, worship and prayer.  At the crusade, I was able to teach the children.  It went well and when I got tired, I defaulted to the children coming to lead our congregation in worship and prayer. They loved it. I never heard children pray so passionately and lead worship with joy!

I am a firm believer that everything we do for God, He will use it later. It is all preparation. Our experiences provide more tools in our toolbox to pull out later to use.

I am amazed at what God is doing in Africa and I’m thrilled to be a part of it! More updates to come!


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